Galaxy Website Design



DNB Mastering

Services Provided:

Audio Engieering, Mastering


DNB Mastering

Services Provided:

Audio Engieering, Mastering

Website Link:


DNB Mastering

Website Link:

SETTING THE TEMPO: Galaxy Website Design’s Remix of DNB Mastering’s Digital Landscape

DNB Mastering, owned by Steve Lynx, is a renowned mastering service catering to Drum & Bass labels and producers globally. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Steve Nobes, also known as DJ Lynx, brings extensive expertise as a DJ, producer, engineer, and remixer. Despite his established reputation, DNB Mastering faced challenges in reaching a wider clientele due to the absence of an online platform. To address this, Galaxy Website Design collaborated with DNB Mastering to develop an e-commerce store and implement their SEO strategies, resulting in consistent weekly enquiries just 3 months into the partnership.

The Challenge: Bridging the Gap in Online Presence

DNB Mastering lacked an online platform to showcase its services and attract potential clients. Despite Steve Lynx’s extensive experience and reputable client base, the absence of an e-commerce store limited the accessibility of DNB Mastering’s services to a broader audience. The challenge was to develop a user-friendly website that not only showcased Steve’s expertise but also facilitated online transactions for his mastering services.

Our Solution: Developing a Seamless E-commerce Experience

Galaxy Website Design embarked on developing an e-commerce store tailored to DNB Mastering’s needs. Leveraging our expertise in web design and development, we created a visually captivating website that highlighted Steve Lynx’s credentials and the unique selling points of DNB Mastering’s services. The e-commerce platform enabled seamless transactions for mastering services, providing convenience to clients worldwide. Additionally, we implemented comprehensive SEO strategies to enhance DNB Mastering’s online visibility and attract organic traffic.

The Outcome: Achieving Consistent Growth and Visibility

Within just 3 months of launching the e-commerce store and implementing our SEO strategies, DNB Mastering experienced a significant transformation in its online presence. The website gained consistent weekly enquiries, reflecting increased visibility and accessibility to potential Drum and Bass labels and individual producers. DND Mastering has established itself as a go-to destination for mastering services.

Questions We Asked Steve Lynx, Owner of DNB Mastering:

Q1: Steve, before bringing Galaxy Website Design on board, what struggles did DNB Mastering face in terms of being present online?

A1: It was tough. We didn’t have any online presence at all. Despite my background and deep network in the scene, not having a proper e-commerce platform meant we were missing out on reaching potential clients beyond our immediate circle. We were already working with some key UK DNB Labels, but to grow beyond that seemed impossible.

Q2: How did Galaxy Website Design building the e-commerce store affect how people could find and see what DNB Mastering offers?

A2: They’ve absolutely nailed it in terms of user-friendliness. Ordering a master is extremely intuitive – just a couple of clicks and you’re done. Simply upload your track, follow our straightforward instructions for preparing your track, and we’ll handle the rest.

Q3: Can you give us a peek into the results after a year partnering up with Galaxy Website Design, especially in terms of where the business is now vs a year ago?

A3: Oh yeah, it’s been huge. After a just a few months of working together, we we’re getting new and recurring customers in every month like clockwork. We can’t believe how much has happened in just 12 months.

Q4: How did using SEO help DNB Mastering stand out and grow in the competitive world of Drum & Bass mastering services?

A4: SEO was a game-changer for us. the SEO campaigns got us ranking in search results almost instantly, making it easier for labels and what we call bedroom producers to find us online. With the right keywords and a strong search engine ranking, we’ve been pulling in more and more sales every month. It’s made us stand out in the scene, no doubt.

Q5: Based on your experience, would you recommend Galaxy Website Design to other businesses, especially those in the music industry, aiming to make their mark online?

A5: Absolutely! The team know their stuff. They’ve got the skills to boost any business’s online presence. Our partnership with them has been spot on, and I reckon they could do the same for anyone else looking to make waves online, in any industry.

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